Tuesday, September 8, 2015


Oh my gosh...today is the best day for so many reasons...

First, I got a good laugh reading the last post I wrote here...when I gave up social media a few weeks ago. While I applaud the sentiment, it was very short lived--I think I was back on Facebook about a week later? I'm also now on Twitter...which is it's own can of worms. I've decided social media is one of those things you can't spend too much time thinking about or you'll go completely insane...just appreciate it for what it is, get the headlines, talk to your friends, and don't beat yourself up too bad for being just like everyone else...no one wants to live under a rock. So yeah...laughing, learning, having fun with that...

It was also the first day of school for our family- which, if you have children, you know it should pretty much be renamed "Second Christmas". I have 3 kids--two of which went back to school today...and while we've had a very nice summer all together-- the quiet in the car with just the baby after drop off was bliss. And so was the morning...and now nap time. I've gotten so much done already and it's only 2pm here on the west coast.  And we get to do the same thing tomorrow-- LA!!! (That's the sound of my heart singing:)

What's really had me excited the last few weeks though has been making final proofing corrections on  Lost Souls....I really think I'm going to be ready for a Fall release...and continuing the first draft of Hellbound. I'm having so much fun writing that book...it's awesome. I am so psyched to be able to share this story with the world VERY SOON...time to have that baby...if you will.

"PMA"-- the title of this post....is something my friend Kevin Gill came up with. He's a successful pro wrestling announcer/radio host and also one of the most fun people in the world. You can check him out HERE! "PMA" translates to "positive mental attitude"... a major factor in winning at this game called Life...and is something that sounds easy in theory, but much tougher in practice. Days like today-- it's easy to have a sunny outlook on life-- chores all done, kids are happy/occupied, have a project about to makes it's way out into the Universe and another one hot on it's tail, dinner's ready...on top of my game. But there are other times where it's definitely more of a struggle and remembering that PMA can be a challenge. I can't tell you how to keep it going for those rough days...maybe some of you out there have some ideas...but in the meantime, I'm going to try to hold onto to what I'm feeling right now and see if I can stretch it...as long as I can. Kind of a metaphor for September in a way...stretching that beautiful golden hour/weather/moment into the dark, cold winter. Magic.

Bonne Chance!

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