Thursday, July 9, 2015


Hello...and welcome to Bonne Chance Books!

My name is Katie Jaros and I am an author based out of Seattle, WA. I work mainly in supernatural/paranormal fiction, but really I'll write about anything that peaks my fancy. If you are reading this, you are witnessing the birth of a new venture. Bonne Chance Books, (BCB from here on in), was created as an outlet for my own work...braving the waters of self-publishing. While currently BCB is mainly serving as my own personal soap box, I do have previous experience as an editor, and have dreams of representing other authors and their work in the future.

I've just finished work on my first novel, Lost Souls. After a year and a half of writing and rewriting, it's now at the proof stage and I am hoping it will be ready for the public very soon. I'm in the process of wooing literary agents and small publishing houses right now; but as anyone who's gone through that dance can tell you, it's tough...and somewhat demoralizing. Bonne Chance means 'good luck' in French; something you need a lot of in this business! I believe in my work and I want it to be accessible to as many readers as possible, so the waiting and rejection is worth it if there's a chance it can be 'formally' published. I'm going to give that space another couple months to see if anything shakes out; and if it doesn't- then I'll go it alone. I love my book and I want to share it-- and if that means I carve my own path...than that's what I'll do. It's empowering, scary, and exhilarating....this whole thing has been one wild ride.

In the meantime, I aim for this blog to be place where I can talk about my thoughts regarding the writing and creative process, adventures in publishing, posting short stories, and previews/access to my longer works. If you're a fellow writer and looking for a space to express yourself, give me a buzz! I would love to have guest posts/stories/essays....let's all be heard! Because that's the best thing about the Internet....amidst the snark and goofy cat vines, it ultimately gives voice to the voiceless. Let's make something cool.

Thanks for reading and more to come... Bonne Chance!

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